Saturday, June 14, 2008

New Kitten Boo

We  are just filling up with new pets around here.  While we were gone to Costa Rica, somehow our 2 year old cat Hoki disappeared.  The kids are so sad, but we now have a new kitten named Boo!  Our friends the Blodgetts have the NICEST cat in the world who had kittens, and even with Hoki around, I was going to take one!  We have had 8 wk old Boo for 3 days now and we are in love!  She is the best kitten!  My parents thought we should name her Phantom because of her cute 3/4 "mask" on her face, but we kept her cute birth name that the Blodgett's gave her.  She is cuddly, purrs all the time, loves to be with us and playful.  She is a good reminder of how easy cats are compared to dogs...We have always loved cats, sometimes I start to rethink the puppy idea, but there is no going back now.  Speaking of Gizmo, he was very nice and just sort of checking Boo out quietly when we first introduced him. Boo was hissing in her tiny voice, in fact, we couldn't even hear that she was doing it and then all of a sudden, like lightning, she swiped at Gizmo's nose!  So for a day, Gizmo barked at her whenever he noticed we had her out (he is a little oblivious sometimes).  Now he is back to curiosity, but she still isn't too warmed up to him.  She is so tiny and wonderful, we just can't get enough of her!  Much thanks to the Blodgetts, we promise to take really good care of her!


Carli said...

Boo is so cute. I just love new little kitties. I sometimes wish that they would stay small, they seem funner that way!

Laura said...

SOOO cute! Your daughter looks so happy with her new little kitty!

Mindy K said...

I love all the Blodgett's kitties. They're all beautiful. Boo looks pretty content in your house. You'll have to make sure Chelsea sees these pics.

Sheri Mills said...

Cute kitty!! You know I love kittens! I am going to be better at posting comments -- it was sure good to hear from you!

Anonymous said...

I am glad you love Boo! We know she will get attention and be happy at your house. She is sooo cute! We miss her but we are h
appy she is with our best friends!cori