Thursday, August 21, 2008

Cabo Surprise

Our travel agent friend Doug Wren called us late last night and said, "We have an all expenses paid trip to Cabo San Lucas this weekend that we can't make, do you guys want it?" Uh...Yeah! So, Steve called my sister Katy this morning and asked her to watch the kids for us for 4 days and she agreed! I was a little stressed doing this last minute, so Steve is taking care of the details. Best part is, my kids LOVE Katy's kids so they will not be bummed we are up and leaving them in a rush like this. Woo hoo! Cabo here we come! Thanks Doug!


Anonymous said...

Clearly I need more travel agent friends. :) Have a great time!

Laura said...

How fabulous! It doesn't get any better than that. Have a blast!!!

heather and fam said...

I'm so proud you didn't let the last minute thing get to you.....remember the old Kelly would have struggled with that one a little! I am soooo excited for you. It's cute too that Steve helped arrange the kids. What a good hubby.

It seems like you've been on a lot of trips lately...I'm jealous, but hopefully my day will come soon. ENJOY IT!

Carli said...

Man, I need a friend like that! I need to go on a vacation without the kids so very badly! I hope you guys have a great time in Cabo!

cori said...

I can't wait to hear all about your trip! I bet you had a blast!!