Friday, December 19, 2008


I am the luckiest lady ever! My neighbor and friend Toni just adopted Emmett a little over 2 months ago. Then, she got a call that she had been chosen to adopt another boy! So she has two babies, Emmett is about 2 1/2 months and Eli is just now a month old. I get to hold them all the time in RS. Soooo...last minute today she had a neighbor cancel on her to babysit these sweet guys bc her daughter was home sick. She gave me a call and asked me to fill in while she went to her older son's Christmas party at school! Would I? You better believe it! They were so good and easy. I fed them both and changed one diaper and snuggled and snuggled! Aren't they adorable!
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Lanae said...

They are just so precious and so dang cute! That was sweet of you to watch her babies while she stepped out.
Hope you guys are enjoying the holidays!!

Carli said...

WOW! Could you imagine getting the phone call that we have another baby for you just a few months after receiving one! It's like having twins, what a woman. P.S. Doesn't it make you want to have another one when yours are practically all grown up!