Monday, December 15, 2008

Steve is 35

We keep things pretty low-key for birthdays around here, just a little family party for Steve's birthday--35th! He said he is starting to feel old, I told him that I will feel old when I hit my 40's I think. Collin worked all during church on a card for his dad that said, "Super Steve" with an action figure pic inside. Summer gave him his old watch that still works that we couldn't find for awhile, and Jackson gave him a jumbo paper clip from Santa's Shop at his school, it says, "Dad's stuff." I gave him a new sweater vest and jeans. He hates that I took so many pics with him in them bc he knows they will end up on the blog. Hee hee! Happy Birthday sweetie! I think you look awesome at 35!
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Laura said...

Very cute! Happy Birthday Steve! Love all the pictures!

heather and fam said...

Happy Birthday Steve! You can be like me and be in the 29 again club if you want...I'll let ya! Cute family you have.