Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summer's Bike Crash

Poor Summer! She just learned to ride her 2-wheeled bike and has gotten braver by the day. Well, on Thursday she went down our driveway and "forgot to brake" and hit the neighbors curb. She flew off and landed on her chin, teeth and chest. She came crying (a terrible cry) into the garage where Collin and I met her. The first thing I noticed was a mouth full of blood and jacked up bottom teeth! I started cleaning her mouth out over the sink and Collin said, "Ah! Her chin!" It was split wide open! I got the bleeding stopped on her chin and put her in the car to head to the Dr. She said her teeth hurt the worst and she wanted to go to the dentist first. The dentist took all sorts of x-rays, pulled her first baby tooth and half of a molar. He then pushed on her gums to realign her teeth, I watched. She was numb of course. She was soooo brave! She barely cried! All the staff kept coming in to see the damage. She has breaks down her molars, little lines. The mouth heals fast, but she goes in for a follow-up in 10 days to see if she needs crowns or fillings on them. He said the bottom teeth will go gray. Sniff. Then off to the Dr. who gave her 7 stitches in her chin. She was brave for that too, way brave, no crying. The Dr. said that girls are usually more brave. We love her.

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heather and fam said...

Poor Summer! Good thing she was brave.

Carli said...

What a trooper! I would be screaming my eyes out if that happened to me! I hope the tooth fairy brought her some good money for that one!

Anonymous said...

Poor baby! That is quite a lot to have to go the dentist and doctor in one day for one injury.

Rose's two top teeth turned brownish grey after a fall a couple of years ago and we were lucky in that eventually they went back to a nearly-white color (still a little dark, but much less so.) I guess with a fall like that though Summer's will probably stay that way.