Sunday, August 2, 2009

Jackson turning 11?!!!

I'm a little sad...My oldest is turning 11!!!! He's so close to being a pre-teen I can barely take it! We had his little family party today, a big party at Classic with his friends will happen later this week. Not a big fan of cake, Jackson had a "cookie cake" instead. Jackson has been waiting since just after Christmas, soooo patiently (btw, he's always been my most patient kid) for a Nintendo DSi, he got it today! And hello...How big are his feet! He's just getting too big I tell you. He told me minutes after his party that this was the best birthday of his life! Wow.
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Lanae said...

WOW - he's already 11??? I remember teaching him when he was about 7/8, these kids grow up so fast! Tell Jackson Happy Birthday from us.
BTW: we blessed Cayden so I have lots of baby pictures coming soon :-)
Hope you guys are having a great summer and I hope we see you soon.