Sunday, September 20, 2009

Collin Turns 9!

Nine years ago today at about 2:30 a.m. I sat straight up in bed thinking I had just wet the bed! I was 8 months pregnant and I waddled to the bathroom, still leaking, then I water just broke! We called the hospital and they said to come in to make sure, so at about 5:00 a.m. we packed our 2-yr-old Jackson up and and drove to Cottonwood Hospital. Sure enough, Collin was on his way! He was born at about 5:30 p.m. and weighed exactly 6 lbs. He was as healthy as can be, he just wanted to get here! I always tell him that he was tired of being in my tummy and kicked the bag of waters saying, "Get me outta' here!"
Today we celebrated 9 years of my middle child's life. He was an easy baby, maybe my easiest! He is a sweet kid, always very concerned about everyone's feelings, and he makes friends so easily. He's a lefty like his Grandma Towsey and he is very creative. He's cute as can be and has always had a contagious laugh, probably one of my favorite traits about him.
His favorite gift? A new skateboard that he picked out online a few weeks ago. Best part is, he forgot about it until he was halfway done opening it. He was so excited! He's been riding it like a pro all afternoon.
Happy birthday to my sweet Collin!

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Emily Brimhall said...

Happy birthday buddy!!! Cameron just got a skateboard yesterday that he had ordered online too. I want to wrap him in bubble wrap when he's on it though.