Monday, July 7, 2008

The '80's

Holy Cow!  My cousin Heather just posted on facebook these old pics from the '80's of our family reunions!  On my mom's side we would join every 2 years at a beach community called Pajaro Dunes (near Monterrey) for one week and have a reunion.  These pics are from a couple of the years, as we got older, us girls started to find boys that were also staying there for the week and hang out, that is when the reunions stopped--hee hee.  I am about 9 or 10 in the younger one's and about 14 or 15 in the older ones.  My favorite cousin was Brian, he lives in KS now and is a policeman.  Check out the styles, woo hoo!  I also threw in a couple of pics of my Aunts and my mom (she had 3 sisters) when they were young adults (1960's).  There is also a pic of my nephew Chandler (bright red hair) on roller blades in my parent's kitchen when he was 1 year old, he is now almost 15!  Good memories, blast from the past for sure!


Carli said...

How fun! I love looking through old pictures (especially the ones that i am not in). I think i actually have some of your hubby Steve from in high school that are pretty awesome.

Mindy K said...

Those are great! I love seeing a glimpse of people's roots. Looks like some great summers at the beach.

Laura said...

I wish we had more pics from our family reunions with the cousins back in the day!!! Such great memories!