Saturday, July 26, 2008

My "baby" is 5!

Summer had her "friend party" at Chuck E. Cheese today.  Can't believe my baby is 5!


heather and fam said...

Happy Birthday Summer! I can't believe she's 5 either. Time goes by way too fast! Say hi to Steve and your kids from us.

Love Heather

Sheri Mills said...

Happy Birthday!! Wow-- they grow so fast!! I remember when you had her! Well, it wasn't that long ago! Fun to watch your kids grow up!

Willardson Family said...

Kelly, Tell Summer Happy Birthday!! That is so fun! Best and easiest Birthday party to have is at Chuckee Cheeses!!!

cori said...

How fun! Does she like kindergarten so far?

Laura said...

She is precious!!! My kids are requesting a Chuck E. Cheese party for next year--looks like fun!