Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Good 'Ol Lagoon

We were invited last minute to go to Lagoon with some friends on (of all days) Pioneer Day.  We didn't have plans, we have only taken the kids there once 5 years ago, so...We went.  My sister called with nothing to do and said, "I'm coming along!"  I am now going to set the record straight about some of these photos!  It was very crowded, over 100 degrees all day, with nooooo breeze!  Everyone went to the waterpark but Katy's 2 big kids and me.  Big mistake.  I think we almost got heat stroke a time or two.  The pics by the end of the day are of a very tired bunch, who have sweated ALL their make-up off (Katy and me).  All in all, we had a great time, and I know the kids had a blast!  Summer really liked the kiddie rides this time, she will go on all the big rides at Disneyland, but not at Lagoon.  I was with Summer most of the day, therefore, not a lot of pics of the boys.  Word of caution, go to Lagoon early or late in the season, the heat is unbearable otherwise!

Steve and the boys (and nephews) by Colossus.

Katy's going to love me for posting this one!  Chan and Mason and Katy.

Katy's cute boys Griffin and Cannon (my nephews)
I can't even believe I am posting this one! Katy and me, 10:30 p.m. after sweating all our make-up off!
My lil' fam.  Steve just got drenched on a ride, or...Is that sweat?  Just kidding!
Griffin and Summer hatched out of an egg.

Boys cooling off with snacks.

Our friend Jordan Allred and Summer.

Friend Cindy Allred and Jordan.
Summer was so hot & famished at this point, she had just stopped crying that she was "going to throw-up."
Griffin is a good cousin, he escorted Summer on a lot of kiddie rides!  She loves him!


Anonymous said...

I have a whole lot of pictures from our trip to DC where the kids and I look as hot and wilted as you guys do in these pictures -- no wonder I have not gotten around to putting those pictures on my blog. (You look pretty good, though!)

heather and fam said...

Looks like fun! I'm still trying to talk myself into going there this summer. I just don't want to have to wrestle Maecee and McKenna is such a daredevil...she'll be wanting all the big scary rides (a girl after my own heart), and Ethan will want all the smaller rides. Oh what to do? Looks like fun though! Miss you guys!

cori said...

Looks fun Cali has been going a lot this summer because she has a pass. It is her favorite place..she goes when it opens and stays until it closes. She almost went on the 24th of July, but we had some family things so I won't let her..

Willardson Family said...

I use to love Lagoon as a kid. I lived there most of the summers. I haven't been there since then! We need to get our family up there before the season's over. Looks like fun!!

Laura said...

You and your family look so cute, even drenched in sweat!!!! Yeah, I have been avoiding the Lagoon thing---one day I am going to have to make the trek with the kids.