Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hall Fam Reunion 2008

Our annual Hall Family Reunion over the 24th was full of babies!  Two new ones, and one that was born right during the reunion!  We even have one due in a month.  Steve's sisters Barbara and Emily are due one month apart, Barbara's little Ava was born Sunday July 27 and all the women got to go meet her when she was just 3 hours old!  Steve's 2 sister-in-laws have each had a baby in the last year.  I  met Melanie's little girl Hayley who is 5 months old and such a cute little chunk!

Grandpa had water games and fireworks planned for the kids, we had a blast!


Laura said...

Cute slideshow! What a fun family reunion!

Carli said...

Looks like you had fun. It was good to see you over the past week. We need to get together sometime!