Thursday, September 11, 2008

Kindergarten Girlfriends

How cuuuute is this! I showed up at the school today to voulnteer and Summer's class was having recess. She was sitting in a cirlce with some girlfriends just chatting away while the rest of the kids played busily on the playground...So typical of girls! It may as well have been a miniature me sitting there! I tried to sneak up and take a pic unnoticed but they spotted me, so instead, they posed! Love it!
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Laura said...

That is the most precious thing ever. Give them a couple years and they will be chatting it up at Cafe Rio or somewhere. So cute!!!

Emily Brimhall said...

I can't wait until I can volunteer at school (did I just say that) Stephen told me about Summer talking on the phone with her friends. I think its so cute.

cori said...

Cute Shot!