Monday, September 8, 2008

Pleasantly Surprised

I planted these pots way back in the spring. They've done well, although, towards the end of July and into August they really dried out and stopped blooming. Surprisingly, since the weather has cooled, they came back to life! I plant these same pots every year, and this has never happened! I think my mom's periodic dead-heading when she comes over has helped! I haven't even really fertilized them or anything! What a nice surprise! Usually I am dumping these pots out every year by this time! Wow! Anyone else having luck like this?

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Barb said...

How pretty! Looks like I need to start dead heading my flowers out front, we'll see if they turn out as good as yours look.

Laura said...

They are gorgeous. I may have to try some next year as yours have done so well.

My John McCain blog entry is REALLY up now.

Also, they do have A-frames at Aspen Grove, but they also have hotel roomish type rooms, and lodges for bigger family reunions. The hotel rooms (not high end, but OK --no TVS) have bathrooms, the A-frames do not (not fun with kids, especially if they have to pee in the middle of the night and you are walking in the dark to the communal bathroom.) We did A-frames 3 years ago, and said never again. Have done the hotel rooms since. It is fun, but really busy with all the activities. They are scheduled all day long at specific times, so you are always running to do something when it is open. Then you have free time when the kids are in classes. No TV's are in the rooms, I think it is fun, just don't do the A-frames!!!

Mindy K said...


Carli said...

They look so pretty! I also have some pots that started to die off during the summer because of it being too hot. They have now rissen from the dead and actually look good!