Thursday, September 4, 2008

Safety Patrol

Today at school Jackson along with other 5th and 6th grade volunteers were "inducted" into the school Safety Patrol. They will be assigned weeks to help with the crosswalks before and after school and also man exits and walkways before and after school. They were given a big instruction class early this morning, and then the school had an assembly to tell all the kids about safety patrol and to indroduce the patrol "officers." They even had them raise their hand and pledge the oath of the officers! It was so cute, and so serious! They had a police officer there to officiate! So far, Jackson has been way more ambitious in school than I ever was! Maybe he gets that from his dad. As usual, only my cell phone to take pics-ugh, I gotta' get better at that!

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Laura said...

That is so cute. Little responsible ambitious boys---so cute!