Thursday, September 18, 2008

Slipping Through...

I finally saw the movie Mamma Mia a week ago with some girlfriends. We were giggling at all the singing all the way through until it came to the part where Meryl Street is helping her daughter get ready for her wedding day and she sings the song, "Slipping Though My Fingers." I was wiping the tears left and right! I think I embarrassed my friends. It has just been hitting me that my only girl is growing so fast and going to be gone before I know it...sniff. She still wants to fall asleep every night snuggling with me, you better believe I am not pushing for that to come to an end just yet! She still wants to dress up in my clothes, do her hair just like mine, wear my make-up, tromp around in my high heels. I love her! So, this is just a little homage to her that I put together. I don't have pics of her loaded onto my computer before she was 2, and I am not savvy enough to figure out how, although, I must say, she was a mighty cute baby too! (Listen to the words of the song, perfect...)


Emily Brimhall said...

I have been having the same thoughts lately. I think its the whole going away to kindergarten thing. I miss my little guy during the morning. I'm sure your adjustment is ten times harder with this being your last. Let her sleep with you until she's twenty.:)

Sheri Mills said...

You are sooo like me -- how come we have to be separated by so many miles??? I hate it!! I sing that song as Jessica leaves for school everyday and then again when Lyndsie goes! It is hard to watch them grow up!! I wish I could have gone to see Mama Mia with you -- it would have been a blast -- I am soooo glad you liked it! Love your background on your blog btw.!!

Mindy K said...

Cute little Summer--the curlers are my favorite!! Where DOES the time go?

Chris and Dianne Clan said...

My baby girl just went down the slide at the park for the first time and then I come home and read your blog....I cried! It goes way too fast! Kelly, she's so pretty!

cori said...

Cute pictures! I am so glad you finally saw Mama Mia...I was crying too in that part (of course, no surprise)..It does go by way too fast..I have a high schooler (WHAT) she just got asked to Homecoming but she's out of luck because she is only 15.

Laura said...

She is so adorable----I am going to be listening to the words of that song----I love all the music from Mama Mia!!

heather and fam said...

She is so cute! I love all the funny faces she pulls. I am so glad you got your baby girl.

I love laying by my kids at night. That's when they tell me the best stories! Brett teases me of course, but it won't last very long and I LOVE IT!

I still haven't seen Mama Mia yet, but have heard it's so good! Too bad we aren't close enough to go together :(