Saturday, October 11, 2008

Collin's Baptism

The Hall and Towsey families
The kids singing the musical number

Family pic right before the meeting

Collin was baptized this snowy morning in Draper in the chapel right by the new Draper temple. All went well, I am so happy and proud of him. Jackson gave a talk, as well as my dad. Other family members helped as well. The Bishop said that Collin has a strong testimony, one of the strongest he has heard in an 8 year olds baptisimal interview (and he went in to the interview by himself! Such a good boy. I think I grew 3 inches listening to that. We had everyone over after for a luncheon. Love my sweet Collin!
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Laura said...

What a beautiful day, despite the freezing weather. And I LOVE the suit!!!

Chris and Dianne Clan said...

Forgive me for being cheesy, but I think snow would be really cool on your baptism day! So clean,fresh and new, kinda like being baptized...

Congratulate Collin for me!

Kelly said...

Thanks! Collin did look mighty handsome in his suit, and the first day of snow for the season on Cs first day as a member of the church was pretty cool!

Barb said...

I liked the whole family only program yesterday. I can see how it made the whole day more comfortable for Collin. How special that the entire day was just for him and his family.

heather and fam said...

Oh what a special day! They just grow up too darn fast! That is so cute about his testimony..and that he went by himself. What a sweetie! Tell him congrats!

Emily Brimhall said...

I gave collin a hug before we left and told him he made the right decision to get baptized. He had the biggest smile on his face and he said "i know" it was so cute. I'll never forget that.

Lanae said...

Congrats Collin!
I never taught Collin but I so enjoyed teaching Jackson. He was one of my favorites and I always looked forward to seeing him in class each week. I'm sure Collin is just the same, just a bright and happy kid.
You guys all look beautiful!