Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Snow Dog

Gizmo loves the snow! I have to bribe him to come back in and then he has all these "mini snowballs" all over in his fur that he shakes around the house. It's going to be a long winter...
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Laura said...

Gizmo is so darn cute though!!! Worth the mess!

Barb said...

Do you still have that much snow!?! I sure hope not. Your right *sigh*...it is going to be long winter. I'm already looking forward to next summer NOT being pregnant.

Lanae said...

We missed the first snowfall since we were out of town, but I'm sure there's more right around the corner. Time to bust those coats and gloves out!

Chris and Dianne Clan said...

I so wish Chris was a fan of animals!!! This dog melts my heart! Poor Chris...his mom raised and bred persian cats and he will forever be ANTI-ANIMAL! My mother-in-law has ruined for us! =(

cori said...

It's weird that I can't even imagine snow right now..it is 90 degrees outside right now and we are still swimming everyday! What am I going to pack for our Utah trip????Gizmo is so cute!

Emily Brimhall said...

i wish we had a dog. gizmo is so cute. maybe we could rent yours for a day when kelly's gone.