Monday, June 1, 2009

Low-flying jets!

Pretty fun night tonight at our house! This giant gray colored 747 with 4 fighter jets trailing it flew right over our house really low 8 times-we counted! It was fun, and loud and all the neighbors were running outside with their cameras to take pics like me. It felt like the 4th of July or something. The one pic is of Collin running to see the jets on their way. I was trying to get a pic of our own house with the jets flying over and all I got was the top of the finnial in the shot, but I had to include it in this post! The rest of the pics are of all the homes around me as I frantically snapped the camera. THEN, they must have known a crazy storm was coming because they stopped flying over just in time for a huge down pour with thunder and lightning. I'm watching it now as I type. The kids are loving it too! Thanks goodness my pets can handle it all, they're not even freaking out.
Steve came home at the end of the jets and said that maybe it was for a Real SL soccer game or something. Maybe the news will tell us tonight.


Kelly said...

The news said that the jets marked the beginning of Air Force Week here in Utah.

Laura said...

That's what I was just about to say, it is Air Force week. We had Maddie's dance recital (outdoors at Sandy Ampitheatre) and they kept flying over, and then the rain and lightning started. Fun, fun, fun. But hey, the jets were awesome. I am glad you got pictures!!!

Carli said...

That's awesome! We have jets, planes and helicopters flying low over our house all of the time. I think this must be a flight pattern for them. About 6 months ago the large military heilcopters circled just abouve our neighborhood about 20 times, I first thought something bad was happening, but never heard of anything! My boys love hearing them coming!