Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summertime 2009 Activities

We have a long summer this year because the kids are switching from a year-round school schedule to a traditional one. Here are some of the things that have kept us busy so far...

~We got season passes at Classic Skating and Waterslides, we go almost once a week!
~We've been to St. George, we even took cousin Griffin along.

~Jackson and Collin go to an orthodontist who throws a big party every summer at Raging Waters. The boys got in for free and Summer and I were a discounted rate. Then they fed us pizza, drinks, and the best cookies ever and had a raffle for prizes at the end of the day. Collin won a $5 gift card to Target. Maybe next year we'll win one of the big prizes like a PSP! Summer got more daring throughout the day and went on a big tube slide by herself! She also did the ropes over the 5 ft. water where you have to drop in and swim. She was a pro at the kiddie ropes, got across almost every time! The boys had a blast too. It was so crowed, but so much fun!
~We took a friend (Jared Ylst) and went to the Sandy Aquarium. I was surprised that my brave little Summer was quite spooked by the big tanks of fish and the darkness in there. She got really spooked by the sharks.


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