Saturday, July 18, 2009

Time For Braces!

The time has come...Braces. Jackson had 4 braces put on his teeth at the end of June. They also cemented an appliance onto his back 4 molars called a Mara appliance, this is to correct his major overbite (thanks to mom AND dad). It is used in place of the old fashioned head gear. you can see in his picture on the bottom right how when he bites down it forces his jaw forward.
the rationale is that at a young age you can still manipulate the jaw and actually grow more jaw bone. He looks totally different! Well...The Mara appliance has been the biggest PAIN! Although it was cemented to his teeth, it popped off twice and we had to go in to have it recemented. The second time the Dr. decided that his overbite is just too severe to handle the Mara's shift right now so, he took it off, well the bottom part anyway. He said that sometimes they just need to let the child's jaw grow a little bit more and then the Mara will work again. If not, he'll either have to have the dreaded head gear, or jaw surgery. Jackson's shooting for a head gear if the Mara doesn't work--obviously. For now, they have left the braces on, they are pulling his front teeth back and together.
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heather and fam said...

How funny that McKenna and Jackson got braces about the exact same time....weird! Was he nervous? McKenna was a nervous wreck. She did great getting them on but had really sore teeth for a few days. She hated cutting up her food "into the smallest pieces EVER"! Of course Jacksons sound a lot more complicated than hers :) Good luck!