Wednesday, September 30, 2009

The "Hoe-down, Throw-down" of the Miley Cyrus Concert

Pictures: Summer and me getting in the car to leave.
Arriving at the arena.
Miley on a motorcycle circling the audience.
Jackson and me at the end of the concert.
Miley at our actual concert. (Got it from the SL Tribune)

After seeing the Hannah movie Summer asked me if she could ever see Hannah in real life. I asked her if she wanted to go to a concert if she came to Utah and her eyes lit up and she said, "Yeah!"
Fast forward 6 months and the concert finally arrived. We had tickets on the 8th row center. Summer had a Hannah outfit to wear that Jake and Ava Smith gave her for her birthday. She made a poster months in advance and was hoping Miley would see it. We were so excited!
Steve and the boys dropped us off at the arena and then went to dinner at the Gateway. Here's where "the fun" begins...
We sat down during the opening act, Metro Station (Miley's half-brother's rock band) and Summer was plugging her ears. I gave her earplugs and talked her into wearing them bc otherwise her ears might start to hurt (big mistake- that freaked her out and got her all nervous). All she could think about was what if her eardrums burst. Finally, Miley came out and Summer sang along to one song, all the while looking at me nervously and telling me that her ears were "shaking inside" and her tummy was "bubbly and shaking." She didn't like the floor shaking either. She asked me if at the end she could get an autograph from Miley. I pointed to the 20,000+ people there and told her it was impossible. (Actually, all this conversation between the 2 of us was yelled, not spoken, soooo loud in there). She was teary and tried to eat her pizza and sprite to feel better but to no avail. She wanted to leave. We went up to the bathroom bc she felt sick. She felt a little better after going, but didn't want to go back in. She heard a song she wanted to see, so we went just in the door, she looked down at the stage and then said, "Ok, let's go, I just want to go home." I tried for about 10 minutes in the corridor to talk her into staying, and she was so sweet, she just said, "No mom, it's okay, we can see her next time she comes." I told her it was $200 to see her, a lot of money. She said, "She probably won't come for a long time, we can save up, I just want to go." She later said, "I don't think I ever want to go to a concert again." She wasn't dramatic, just done.
Luckily, Steve was still across the street with the boys (we were going to catch a ride home with friends) and the security guards let me switch out Summer for Jackson. So, Jackson watched the last 30 minutes with me. (I missed about 4 songs in the middle while this was going on.) Jackson liked it, but was trying to act cool bc he was one of only a handful of boys in the whole arena!
So, it turned out okay. Summer was totally fine with leaving, it was me who felt so bummed out I couldn't watch her throughout the whole concert and have that experience, but, I'm over it!

--Side note, towards the end of Miley's 2nd song Miley doubled over and looked pale, then ran off the stage and the back-up singers continued through. Then a stage manager came out and said that Miley has had the flu, she just needs a little rest, but the show will go on in 5 minutes, and it DID! You could tell she was pale and clammy and not feeling well but she soldiered through. I will be forever impressed with her for that, she didn't let her fans down.--
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