Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cruise to Cabo San Lucas

This was our first night on the ship at dinner. We were about to meet some new friends...

Here they are! The couple on the left are from Riverton, Utah (I could tell when they walked up), their names are Reinhardt and Lisa. The couple on the right was from Canyon Country, CA. and their names are Sean and Liza. We ate with them every night, because we all came with just our spouses, they put you together at a table to fill all the seats. They were great!!! You will see later some of the fun stuff we did with them.

This is at our 2nd stop (my pics posted in the wrong order) in Ensenda, Mexico. We took an excursion to about the only sight to see there called La Bufadora. It's a blow hole of water building up in a cave and then with a wave crash, it blows water up into the air. It's beautiful, I'm glad we went. Good pic of Steve too!

Late one night we went to a game called "The Quest." This is where you get a team together and the cruise director gives your team captain a number. He then proceeds to ask for random things to be worn or done by team members and they have to run up to him and show him before time is out get a point. CRAZY fun! So our team captain was Sean, in fact, he made us form a team. At one point they asked for a man on the team to be dressed as a pretty girl, thus the bras etc. Reinhardt went up for the lipstick all over a man's face point. Steve barked like a dog on all fours, and I had to do the worm dance on the floor with another girl. Definitely a highlight of our cruise!

Just random pics. The globe I'm standing by lit up from the inside, so it glowed. You can't tell in the pic, but it was cool. Steve is by a huuuuge fruit table carved and shaped decoratively. We had lunch one chilly afternoon at a yummy cafe at the top of the ship.

Our first port was Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The ship can't pull right up to the coast bc it is too big, so they tender us over on these little boats that they bring on the ship for this purpose. Cabo was beautiful, but it was pouring rain off and on the whole time. We ate at Hard Rock Cafe there, during the rain. Steve liked the yellow dune buggy we saw. The crew on our ship said that Cabo is never rainy like that. Just our luck.

More pics of beautiful Cabo San Lucas.

Royal Caribbean ship that holds 2,700 passengers and over 800 crew. Beautiful ship. We ate at Chops Grill one night, a fine dining restaurant on the ship. You can't see in this pic but it was sunset out the windows behind us and the water was so beautiful.

We went to every show every night which included comedians and singers and even the ship's version of The Newlywed Game. They picked from the audience a newlywed couple, a couple married for a few years and one married for over 50! It was really funny!

This is a group called Mosaic, they use only their voices to make all the music, it's totally incredible! They won "Best New Group" (or something) on an MTV reality show recently and are starting to get recognition. They were only on the ship for 2 weeks, so we lucked out. Their website is: (really)!

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I'm sorry that I had to post these pics, but you gotta' hear the story...This was formal night in the dining room and the lady dancing on the table was really drunk. She was with a group of about 20 people her age, all drinking a lot. Anyway, during dessert, so got up on the table and started dancing! They were only 2 tables away, so we had a good view. As soon as her dress came up, the dining manager came over and made her get down. She was immediately banished from the dining room for the rest of the cruise. Good grief.


heather and fam said...

Oh Kelly! That looks like so much fun! I was thinking about you guys all week long!Love the pictures!When should we do lunch?

Anonymous said...

So, um, all your photos are great and you both look great, but I could really use some brain bleach for that last pic. Wow. Some people just know how to have fun, huh?

Karla said...

The picture of the lady is funny. I guess age doesn't always come with wisdom.

cori said...

Looks so fun!!!I love cruises! You got some great pictures! Wow! I wish we could have come with you. Can you imagine what a blast we would have?? Someday!!!

Mindy K said...

Beautiful scenery--aside from the chubby, stripping lady. Funny!! Glad you're back w/some good stories!