Jackson ran for student council at his brand new school Crescent Elementary. In fact, every single 6th grader (about 90) ran for it, because it gave them extra credit. Only 5 were chosen from each class, and Jackson made it! The voting was weighted in thirds, 1/3 student votes, 1/3 teacher votes, 1/3 on last year's grades. Since he was new to the school, the teachers considered his performance in the first few weeks.
He had to give a 2 minute speech. His was so cute, he told about how responsible he was and how all his teachers always tell his mom that "Everyone loves Jackson." He also said that being on Student Council would help him to make friends more easily and more people would get to know "a great guy like me."
His duties include morning announcements on TV and over the speaker, recycling, and he went to a big conference at BYU with kids from all over Utah that are on Student Council. They learned leadership qualities, one of their speakers was John Bytheway, Jackson liked him.
Jackson is also on Safety Patrol again this year, they are assigned weeks in the year where they help "patrol" the drive-thru pickup lanes before and after school, the cross-walks and bus lines etc.
At parent-teacher conferences this past week his teacher told me studies have shown that kids that are involved with Student Council and just generally are a part of school activities in that respect tend to do better academically and all around in school.
I have not pushed him ever to do these things, he really enjoys it, I'm proud of him!
The kids had a fund-raiser in the school with the reward going to the highest earning grade. The reward was that they got to throw whipped creme pies at the student council during an assembly. Here are the student council members waiting in the hall to go into be "asaulted!"
Firing range, Jackson is the 3rd one in...
Jackson got away pretty scott-free, one of his advisors, Mrs. Brown...not so lucky.
Jackson is on the far right in the blue t-shirt.
WAY TO GO jackson. He's always been such a good kid.
student council for 6th grade, CRAZY! I don't remember that until high school.
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