Wednesday, December 23, 2009

School Christmas Program

I must say, I am super impressed with the Crescent Elementary Christmas Program! All the kids had to wear white shirts and black pants. Then each grade "spruced up" the outfits and made them unique. Also, the organization was wonderful. They had one grade do their song (s) then, file off the stage and the next grade came in. The teachers had a walkie-talkie in their room and someone called them to the stage when it was their turn (basically). The waiting grade (I'm thinking) was just lined up in the hall a few minutes before they were to go on. Jackson's grade (6th) started the program with 3 songs I had never heard, but they were pretty. They did a couple of rounds too. Summer's grade (1st) did the song, "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer," thus the reindeer hats that none of them could see through! Then Collin's grade (3rd) sang, "I'm Gettin' Nothin' for Christmas," complete with "black-eyes" and all. The pic I have is when they made a face in the song at the part that says, "Cuz' I ain't been nothin' but bad." It was the only one where Collin wasn't blocked by the girl in front of him. All the grades did actions to their songs too. Then at the end, the last group stayed on the risers and somehow magically, all the other grades filed in to the sides of the gym and they all sang "Silent Night" together, complete with a few kids signing the words at the front. Toward the end they projected a picture of a star and the kids all shined flashlights on the star. It was so cool! Loved it! I am glad that all 3 of my kids were able to do this together one year, Jackson will be in Middle School next year. I am looking forward to this program again!

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