Sunday, April 27, 2008

More Creations!

Collin was washing marker off his hands the other day and was using a lot of soaking wet paper towels.  Next thing you know, with his creative little mind, he decides to ball up about 25 wet paper towels and make a miniature Hoki (our cat) out of it!  He put scotch tape on it so that he could draw the face on with a pen.  He used two little wads of wet tissue to do the ears.  Love his creativity!


Laura said...

Your kids are SOOOO creative. I love it, keep sharing all these great things, Laura

Zina said...

That's a really cute cat! I love it.

Carli said...

What a kid! He comes up with some pretty creative ideas. I love to read your blog to see what he will do next!

Mindy K said...

How fun. You're a great mom too to let him generate all that creativity. My first inclination would probably have been -whoa, not another soaking wet paper towel there, son (if I had a son). Way to encourage him. Cute kitty. he seems so proud.