Sunday, October 26, 2008

Inspirational Thought

I just wanted to share my feelings about church today...
It was Fast Sunday due to Stake Conf. next week so we had testimony meeting. A sister in the ward who has 2 teenage sons stood at the pulpit and poured her heart out. (She is from the Phillipines and has an accent, maybe that is part of the reason it seemed so heartfelt--you know how that happens)? Anyhow, she is very sweet and stood and said that she and her husband were just sitting there talking about how their 2 sons were not at church today. She said that they both came home late last night and then this morning said they didn't feel good and didn't want to go to church. It's been fairly apparent that these boys have been "struggling" lately. She said, "We try to do everything right, we have FHE, we pray, we go to the temple" etc. and they feel a little helpless. She called upon their leaders (Steve's one of them) and friends in the ward and neighborhood to reach out to the boys because (as she put it), "It is starting, they are starting to go down the wrong path." She was so tearful, and desperate. Very touching.
The FT missionaries in our area happened to be in our ward today. A few minutes later, one of the missionaries got up, and on his way, leaned over to this sister and asked her name. He started his testimony saying that this message would be mostly directed to her. He went on to say that he was that person going down the wrong path, and he remembers his mom crying many times over him. His family were converts to the church when he was a young teen. He basically said, don't give up, no one else will either, there are lots of people who love them and will step in at the right times to help these boys. He said, "No one gave up on me, and look, it worked, I'm here now."
Probably one of those things you had to be there for, but it was very inspirational, and the spirit was very strong in that testimony meeting. Others, even before this sister had born her testimony bore their testimonies on basically the same subject. I think she felt very buoyed up today, I hope at least. Steve told me that the missionaries, and the YM's pres. and the one consistant Priest we have coming to church right now, went over to these boys' house during YMs. I hope it helped.
I love testimony meetings like we had today...So, I wanted to share.


Laura said...
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Laura said...

That is very inspiring. What a great ward. I hope if/when I am in that situation, we will have people willing to reach out--you never know exactly who will reach the heart of a youth struggling. Very sweet!

Lanae said...

I think I might write her a letter; I was one of those "wayward" kids and I always was a good person but I did a lot of stupid things. Luckily, we had a great ward, great YW leaders, and a great bishop. My dad used to tell me he knew I would come out ok.. but he just worried that I wouldn't live long enough to get better. I hurt for those kids because I know deep down they're great kids, just a little confused and probably mixed up in some of the wrong things/wrong people. My heart goes out to her and her boys.

Melissa said...

That was one of the most powerful, humble testimonies I have heard. I LOVED the scripture that missionary shared - Jeremiah 31:15-17

hunterfam said...

Oh Kell I just love you and I love your blog. Thank you for posting that it made me feel that I am a part of something very amazing being a memeber of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Love Ya!!