Saturday, October 25, 2008

School Carnival

Every year my kids' elementary school has a Halloween carnival. It is a big hit every year. This year they had a party company put it on, so there were bounce houses outside, a train ride and all sorts of food and game booths inside that you could buy with tickets. I tried to get pics of the kids with their friends, because this is actually their very favorite part, seeing their friends in their costumes and showing off their own! Summer has a million friends, I kept hearing, "Summer!" called from across the room and she would go see them and we would take a pic. Collin has his very best friend Jayden who, surprise, surprise, dressed just like him, as a vampire! I think his mom did a way better job with the make-up though! Jackson has a good friend who was there, but because they are so old, they were able to just pal around all night without much "checking in with their mothers," therefore, no pics. Oh well. Fun times! They have a great principal named Mrs. Dallimore, the kids loooove her, she is very fun. I got a pic of her going around to the different groups of kids, all dressed up as a witch, with a toy Frankenstein doll. She used a witch voice too and kept trying to get the kids to "hold her baby." It was funny!

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cori said...

cute costumes! Looks like fun!

Emily Brimhall said...

what a fun party your elementary does. I wish ours would do something. Summer looks so cute, sounds like she's quite the popular girl.