Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas Day 2008

This year we had a first...the first time my kids woke up pre-dawn! Can you say, 4:30 a.m.?! I made them let us sleep until 5:30, which went by really fast, next thing I know, Collin is saying, "Okay mom, it's 5:30!" I think we are going to have to set some ground rules from now on. Summer got her one wish she asked Santa for...The S'more's Pony. He gave her some surprises too. The boys were super excited about their surprise Rubix Cube, remember those? Gizmo could barely stay awake, he rested his head on the presents to watch. Although, he did bark quite a bit when the S'mores Pony moved! Little Boo had fun playing in the paper and the boxes. We had a beautiful, very white Christmas this year, and it still hasn't stopped snowing. Notice the picture of Summer playing with her new Bendaroos on the front window...The snow is plastered to the outside of the window. Oh, and Steve got me a new, really nice camera! I can't wait to start taking better pics. Merry Christmas! Now I want to sleep.

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Anonymous said...

Looks like it was a good one! Merry Christmas. I am needing to catch up some sleep, too.

Lanae said...

How funny! I was always that way and my parents made us wait till it was a decent hour before starting Christmas. I'm still that way.. I just have a hard time sleeping and so I wake up super early. Jared figured this out our first Christmas (we started at about 4:30 Am), I love it! Hope you guys all enjoyed the holidays.