Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Happy 13th Anniversary!


I mostly use this blog as a journal. So, anyone looking at this will just have to excuse my indulgence!
Our anniversary is on Valentine's Day so every year I tell Steve, don't worry about getting me roses, they are like twice as much today...But, almost every year he still gets them for me. What a sweetheart. This year, he was also pretty original in getting me this cute, yummy gift basket from Kneaders. What a surprise! And to think, all I got him was a measly t-shirt from Costco. (He out-does me every time on gifts). Happy Anniversary Sweetie!
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Emily Brimhall said...

I'm so proud of my bro. I must say. Can't believe its been 13 years. congrats guys! we're going on 10 and I feel like an old married couple.

Laura said...

What a great guy!!!!! And he's lucky to have you too! A great match.

heather and fam said...

I hope you guys had a great anniversary! I was definately thinking about you! There was also several times in Vegas that I wished you guys were there to laugh with us....we had a GREAT time but would have been even better with you two. Tell Steve good job!

Lanae said...

Happy Anniversary!!! 13 years and still so cute and happy - I love it. Good job, Steve. That's quite the creative gift idea.

Carli said...

Funny! Sean and i are the same way. I never know what to get him for Valentines or our anniversary. He gets me the same thing every year- flowers from costco. I think that is the only time i see flowers in our house!

Mindy K said...

Happy Anniversary!

That's what the good ones do :) Kev and I sometimes agree on no gifts, just dinner. (our anniversary is sandwiched right between xmas and his bday) He can't help doing something extra every year though.

Chris and Dianne Clan said...

What a sweetheart! I tell Chris the same thing about roses. This year he called me and said, "Hey honey I'm at Cosco, bet you can guess why, but I wanted to see if you need anything while I'm here". I actually thought that was sweet...I got roses and my shopping done for me!!! He knows how much I hate grocery shopping. I hope you had a happy 13th!

Ashley said...

What a sweetheart! I can't believe it's been 13 years! I still remember your bridal shower at Aunt Ann's house! :)

cori said...

What a great hubby! I will be sure to show this blog to Bill.

Barb said...

Nice work Stephan. Was I really just 12 when you guys got married? Time sure flies doesnt it?