Saturday, April 18, 2009

Girls Trip to Vegas



Some of my girlfriends from South Jordan put together a girls weekend in Vegas. A couple of sisters and friends tagged along too. They were valuable because they got us a great deal on our hotel and car rental!
We went to Phantom at the Venetian and ate at the Cheesecake Factory beforehand.
We walked the strip a little and visited the Wynn hotel for some upscale window shopping and lunch. It is a beautiful hotel. We had Sushi the last night, of course, I ordered orange chicken!
These pics are borrowed from one of the only girl's (Mindy) who brought her camera! I wish I would have brought mine and taken some more...I have a new fancy schmancy one and I'm afraid to take it on trips and ruin it. I must get past that fear.
Good times! Thanks to my hubby and mom for watching the kids all weekend so I could have a fun break!
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Emily Brimhall said...

sounds like a fun trip. I'm trying to talk some of my friends into going into vegas when we go to saint george in a couple weeks. There is more to do there.

Lanae said...

Fun for you! Girls trips are so much fun; glad you were able to get away and have a great time.

Barb said...

Fun! Maybe one day I'll be able to leave Ava with someone besides myself and do something fun like this!